October 3, 2012

Night Time {Mine} | Hendersonville TN Family and Child Photographer

I love posting personal pictures on here, but I’ve been so busy with fall family pictures, the studio, and newborns, that all of the pictures have just collected in a folder on my desktop. But this one is quick and easy 🙂 I thought I’d show you what 9pm looks like at my house. As soon as everyone is sleeping, I head to my computer in the office for some night time editing. It’s my favorite time to edit.

On a side note, don’t forget to take pictures like these. Details. They are so important. It doesn’t matter if you are a fabulous photographer, if you have a fancy camera, if you print them, or if they just sit in a folder on your desktop —- at least you have them. In this tiny little post there are so many things that I love and will remember. Our little bit has a love for super heroes. I love those little spidey pj’s. He just quit sucking his thumb and is sleeping like such a big boy with his hands down. B, our big boy. Mr. Tough and Brave doesn’t like the dark. He goes to sleep with his head totally covered up and normally pops out of the covers dripping sweat. And the daddy of the house? He normally crashes in that very spot every night with his loyal black lab on the floor beside him. Details I hope I’ll never forget, but now I have pictures so that I know that I’ll never forget.

I love how a picture is like a song. It can bring you right back to that moment in time. 20 years from now I can look back at these and remember the smell of their clean sheets or feel those sweaty curls as I kiss them goodnight.
 Night Time  {Mine}  |  Hendersonville TN Family and Child Photographer