I always love my sessions with this sweet boy. He is one of my First Moments babies, and I’m sad to see him graduating. However, we had so much fun celebrating his birthday with his one year old photo session!
I love the first birthday subway art that is so popular right now. His was very suiting since his favorite things are balls and that’s just what we used to get him to stay sitting.
I love the bright pop of primary colors that they chose for his first birthday pictures.
He wasn’t too fond of his cake, but it was definitely adorable!
I can see those big blue eyes breaking hearts in the future. Such a cutie!
My very favorite from our session… K’s daddy is a fireman, and we have used his equipment for every session to watch him grow. He’s gone from laying to sitting to standing by it, and I can’t image a better way to end the series of pictures.
Nashville Middle TN Cake Smash Photographer