because i know how quickly they grow

and i want to capture every detail for you
Hello there! I'm so glad you found my little home on the web. I am a wife, mom, and photographer. My journey began 14 years ago after my youngest son was born. I knew more than likely that he would be my last baby, and I was determined to capture every ounce of him. With a new camera and my husband cheering me along, I dug into the photography world. I spent hours learning and practicing, and before I knew it Shannon Payne Photography was born. Since then, I have photographed hundreds of babies and families and have trained with some of the best photographers in the world.

I would love to share my passion with you.

I have two boys who have turned into young men right in front of my eyes. They are now 17 and 14, and I feel like they were babies yesterday! I have seen first hand how quickly these days pass. When I'm not forcing them to hang out with me, you'll see me working out, snuggling with my Frenchies (we have 3!), or reading a book. I have my undergraduate degree in Human Development and Masters degree in Elementary Education. I taught 2nd and 3rd grade in Memphis, TN before leaving my teaching career to become a photographer. I can honestly say that I am doing my dream job. How many people get to say they snuggle with babies every day??? I'd love to meet you and your family, so make sure to visit the Contact tab before leaving!